
It’s Coming Home

If you’ve been in the UK over the last few weeks, it’s very likely you’ll have heard (or have at least seen on Facebook) the words “It’s coming home”. Football fever and the World Cup have well and truly taken over. I wouldn’t call myself a football fan, but the buzz and excitement surrounding this year’s World Cup tournament has been unavoidable. People have changed plans, taken time off work, businesses have made arrangements to close early, and churches have cancelled meetings…doesn’t sound right, does it? [Click title to read more]


Dear Christian Parent, Introduce Your Child To Jamie Grace

I first heard Jamie Grace on a family vacation in Florida when local Christian radio station Z88.3 played one of her songs. For anyone who doesn’t know, Jamie Grace is a Christian singer, songwriter and musician (and pastor’s kid!) and, in my opinion, she is one of the most positive influences out there. If you are a parent, a guardian, a grandparent, an Aunt, an Uncle, a sibling, a cousin, or just a friend or trusted adult in a child or young person’s life, I could not encourage you strongly enough to make sure and introduce the children and young people in your life to Jamie Grace. [Click title to read more]


For They Shall Be Comforted

Grief is a funny thing. It completely flips everything on it's head. I’m lucky to have had to experience it only a small number of times. These last four weeks, I have experienced the most intense grief I’ve ever felt. There are things I have learned and truths I have been reminded of that I want to put on record. Things that I want to share with you for your own experience, but also as a reminder and comfort for my future self should the time come when I’m revisited by grief. [Click title to read more]


Dear Dad…Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Dad, Happy (Belated) Father’s Day! Today, like every day, I am thankful for you. For you as Father, but also as Pastor, because for as long as you’ve been my Father, you’ve also been my Pastor – these two things have always gone hand in hand. But, growing up as both your daughter and one of your congregation, I saw a side to your role as Pastor that not many others will ever see. [Click title to read more]


My Parents And Marriage

Everything I’ve learned about marriage, I’ve learned from my parents. Everything that I think makes a good marriage has come from watching my parents. Everything I hope for in a potential future marriage I have seen exemplified in my parents. I don’t claim to know very much about marriage, but there are some things I do know. Things that I hope to carry with me if I ever were to get married myself. [Click title to read more]


When Tomorrow Doesn’t Come

Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about friendship. I talked about Aaron and Hur in Exodus, holding up the hands of Moses when he grew tired, calling for the Aarons and Hurs of the world to step forward and be counted. In the days that followed, whether my friends knew it or not, whether they had read my blog post or not, I experienced deeper than I ever have before what it means to have an Aaron or Hur holding you up. When I hit the publish button on Friday 25th May, little did I know what the next 24 hours, and the subsequent days and weeks, would hold. [Click title to read more]