
Dear Dad…Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Dad, Happy (Belated) Father’s Day! Today, like every day, I am thankful for you. For you as Father, but also as Pastor, because for as long as you’ve been my Father, you’ve also been my Pastor – these two things have always gone hand in hand. But, growing up as both your daughter and one of your congregation, I saw a side to your role as Pastor that not many others will ever see. [Click title to read more]


Dear Younger Me…We Are 24!

Today it is 1st June 2018. Today we turn 24! (How crazy is that?!) I hardly feel like we’re adulty enough to be able to be classed as an adult. It wasn’t an easy road to get here, not by any means, but we’ve made it, and we have learned a lot. Obviously, we still have an awful lot to learn. But here are some pieces of advice that I’d like to share with you. [Click title to read more]